First Aid Training for Bri-Stor Group Employees

The qualification will equip the trainees with essential knowledge and practical competence required to deal with a range of workplace first aid situations. Taught over an intensive two-day period, the course covers areas such as legislation, emergency action, situational assessment, resuscitation and dealing with wounds.

First aid training

Having volunteered for the training, the group will be awarded a recognised workplace first aid qualification which will last for three years.

Training of this kind is vital for both Alpha Manufacturing and Bri-Stor Systems in maintaining our high standards in work place safety.

Additive Manufacturing

The evolution of additive manufacturing

The origins of additive manufacturing can be traced all the way back to the late 1980’s where rapid prototyping began to emerge in the U.S. A process known as Stereolithography was developed, whereby thin photopolymer liquid layers could be built up on top of each other and cured using a solid-state UV crystal laser controlled by CAD (Computer Aided Design). This form of rapid prototyping allowed for fast product development and testing with relatively low costs when compared with traditional prototyping methods.

During the 1990s there was considerable research and development conducted and additive layer manufacturing (ALM) methods such as Laser Sintering and Material Deposition Extrusion were established. Both techniques relying on the process of heating polymer-based materials to just below melting point, before layering and fusing layers together.

Further research led to new additive materials such as thermoset, thermoplastic, and elastomeric polymers. This led to something of a boom at the turn of the 21st century as applications of the technology grew wider and various sectors began to see manufacturing benefits of ALM beyond rapid prototyping.

A major advancement in technology made during the mid-2000’s was the introduction of metallic materials within ALM. Processes such as Laser melting, which was an evolution of early Stereolithography techniques were developed. Advancements in power generation saw fully dense metallic geometry produced using high power electron beams.

Over the last five years, more manufacturers than ever have begun to integrate additive manufacturing into their operations as the technology became more accessible and affordable.

What are the modern-day applications of additive manufacturing?

The value of products and services derived from additive manufacturing is currently estimated to be worth around £4.5 Billion and is forecast to double in size over the next two years.

Manufacturing sectors producing small batch quantities or highly customised products have been the biggest adopters of additive manufacturing. Traditional manufacturing methods still lead the way in sectors where standardised, high volume production is required as 3D printing becomes less cost effective in mass production.

Currently, the most prevalent uses for 3D printing within manufacturing are: Manufacture of functional parts (29%), Fit & finish components (10%) Manufacture of moulds & tooling (10%), Visual proof of concept (10%). Unsurprisingly, the biggest adopters have been in sectors where low volume, bespoke or customised design is needed, such as:

Medical Sector

Additive manufacturing has great potential for growth in this sector with intensive research and development into prosthetics and human tissue regeneration on-going. Currently, 98% of all hearing aids worldwide are produced using 3-D printers. The requirement for one off, highly customised products fits perfectly with additive manufacturing techniques.

Aerospace Sector

One of the earliest adopters of additive manufacturing, the aerospace sector is now able to produce many components much faster, cheaper lighter than before. One example is the fuel nozzle for the GE LEAP engine which can now be manufactured 25% lighter than before thanks to 3D printing techniques. The Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-97 engine used to power the Airbus A380 also features the largest aero component ever to be 3D printed. The front-bearing housing measures 1.5m across and contain 48 aerofoil-shaped vane components.


One of the fastest growing 3D printing applications within the manufacturing sector is tooling manufacture. Reductions in cost, lead time and tool functionality make it an attractive alternative to traditional subtractive manufacturing techniques.

Metal mould tools used for cooling in injection moulding would traditionally have cooling channels drilled into the tool in straight lines. Metal additive manufacturing allows cooling channels to be designed to contour the mould, improving cooling performance and extending the life of the mould whilst also reducing material waste.

How much will additive manufacturing grow?

Estimates vary and much will depend on the rate at which new sectors adopt the technology as new applications develop.

According to a report by Statista, the industry is expected to be worth £9.3 billion by 2018 and go on to exceed £15 billion by 2020. If growth so far is anything to go by, this looks highly likely, with the value of additive manufacturing rising from £970 million in 2010 to £5.25 billion in 2016.

What developments can we expect in additive manufacturing?

3D Faxing

3D scanning and 3D printing technologies have both been in existence for some time and they can now be combined to produce 3D faxes. An object is scanned by the sender and data uploaded to the cloud. The receiver then downloads this data and creates an exact replica of the original using a 3D printer.

4D Printing

“4D” printing in essence, is exactly the same process as 3D printing, the key difference being the “smart” materials used. Reactive materials can be designed to change size and shape in response to certain stimuli such as heat, electricity, light or water.

This capacity for printed materials to react to their environment without the need for human interaction, batteries, processors, sensors, and motors opens the door for a wide range of applications. Current uses are restricted to self-assembly of products such as furniture which can assume a pre-defined shape once unpacked. Further research and development, however, could lead to widespread application in sectors such as construction, soft robotics and even the medical field.

The Basics of Sheet Metal Fabrication

What is metal fabrication?

sheet metal process

Metal fabrication meaning

Metal fabrication is the process of creating metal parts or structures from raw metal materials. A number of fabrication techniques such as cutting, punching, bending and welding are used in the overall manufacturing process of metal products.

Sheet metal fabrication involves a broad range of processes that can often be confused. As a result, we’ve created a beginner’s guide to sheet metal fabrication, sometimes referred to as metalworking, and the techniques that are involved.

In the broadest sense, sheet metal fabrication is the creation of metal structures by using a variety of processes. Most often sheets of steel or other metal materials are processed and assembled to create a larger final product. In order to bind these smaller components, processes such as welding are used to provide a high-quality finish that create a range of products of varying shapes and sizes.

What does a sheet metal fabricator do?

Metal fabricators specialise in one or more of the techniques involved in the metal fabrication process, from the initial design stage through to the assembly and preparation of the final product. Review the techniques below for more information on the work of a metal fabricator.

Sheet metal fabrication techniques – the stages

Each project is different but is primarily constructed using the following key phases.


Although different companies approach the design process in a variety of ways, here at Alpha Manufacturing, clients are offered the opportunity to provide design specifications at the beginning and work alongside our design and NPI (New Product Introduction) teams to tweak designs for manufacture. This is an integral part of the process and can determine the economic efficiency and best manufacturing approach of a project. Ensuring that a dedicated and experienced Designer, trained in CAD (computer aided design), is present at this phase is vital to creating a high specification final product.


Once the design has been formalised, these designs are translated into a language that is understood by the machinery that create the products – this is known as the programming process. Parts are drawn and then “nested” in 2D form onto a metal sheet, making sure that material utilisation is maximised.


Once the machine programs have been set to work, the laser cutting process takes place. As one of the most accurate ways of cutting sheet metal material, lasers follow the programmed design and cut through the material with ease and precision.


Many components require certain perforations or forms such as ribs, louvres or countersinks. For this, a CNC punching machine uses specific tools to “hit” the metal sheet and either perforate or shape it in specific ways.


The bending process, known in the industry as CNC folding, is a practice that can be completed by a range of machines such as a manual press brake, an automated panel bending machine or robotic bend cell depending on the size and complexity of the part. Each machine forms the part by clamping the sheet metal between a top tool and die, applying pressure to obtain the intended curvature.


There are a range of welding techniques that can be done when working with sheet metal, this includes; MIG welding, TIG welding, spot welding, projection welding and robotic welding.


The assembly stage can vary depending on the complexity of the final product and can range from simple weld assemblies to complex electrical integrations including wiring looms, PAT testing and hardware installation. Some assemblies require insertion which is the process of pressing a stud, nuts or other components to fasten the product together.

Powder Coating

The powder coating process is a process of applying and electrostatic powder to a charged metal component before curing at heat to produce a durable coating. At Alpha, we use an automated powder coating plant which uses a process of Oxsilan pre-treatment, drying, powder application and stoving.

Sheet metal fabrication tools

Many tools are involved in the fabrication of metal products. They include:

Want to find out more about sheet metal fabrication? Take a look at our FAQs section for more details.

Andy to Run 250km in One Month for Mind

R.E.D January stands for Run Every Day and aims to raise funds as well as awareness of the vital work MIND in supporting those with mental health issues by committing to physical activity during January.

Andy Oldham

Andy, who is a team leader at Bri-Stor Systems explained his reasons for taking on the challenge:

“We were looking for something healthy to kick of our new year, and came across Minds R.E.D January which seemed not only challenging but a great cause. Our target is to run 500k between us over the month of January. We both have to run every day and can do any amount on the day; however, we are aiming for 250k each over the month. We both work long hours, and don’t run often so it’s definitely going to be challenging.”

So far, at day 11 of the challenge Andy and Tom have ran a combined 187Km, averaging just over 8km each per day. The two are keeping an online diary of their efforts and posting the results of each evening run on their Justgiving page.

Andy set his target for the challenge at £500 (£1 per Km) and the combined total currently stands at £477. If you would like to support Andy and Tom’s incredible effort, please visit their Justgiving page to make a donation.

Christmas Jumper Day 2017

The team in Christmas jumpers

Alpha Manufacturing and Bri-Stor Systems employees dug out their best Christmas outfits for work and dug deep in their pockets to make a donation towards Bri-Stor Group charity partner Help for Heroes. Employees showed their support on the day through social media with some brilliant Christmas outfits uploaded.

The Christmas Jumper day completes another busy year of fundraising for Help for Heroes which has included the 3 peaks challenge, a skydive, clay pigeon shooting, go karting and a companywide competition.

Alpha Technology Day 2017

Alpha today opened the doors of its manufacturing facility to designers and engineers from around the UK and welcomed them to the annual technology day.

The day kicked off with a brief overview of Alpha’s on-going strategic development of its manufacturing facilities, explaining the Industry 4.0 “Smart Factory” vision and how embracing modern manufacturing technologies will help to achieve this.

Following on from Alpha’s introduction, visitors were given technical presentations from expert representatives of Trumpf, Mazak and Wilson Tools; all market leaders in sheet metal manufacturing machinery and technology. The presentations were designed to give visitors insight into best practice from a design aspect, with the goal of improving design for manufacture in their future products.

Alpha Manufacturing Factory

Visitors were then given the opportunity to see many of the advanced technologies presented by Trumpf, Mazak and Wilson in action during a factory tour. This provided a chance to watch machine demonstrations of some of Alpha’s latest installations such as the STOPA, TruPunch 5000 s12 and the TruBend Cell 7000 as well as to ask any technical design questions.

The day ended with an hour of networking over coffee and lunch whilst any final questions were answered by the technical representatives.

A busy day at the Alpha Facilities and hopefully one in which everybody was able to take away some insight into sheet metal manufacture and best practice.

Industry 4.0

What is Industry 4.0?


Industry 4.0 is the biggest topic of discussion at the moment not only amongst manufacturing business leaders but also those involved in supply chain and logistics.

Industry 4.0 refers to the anticipated fourth industrial revolution as a result of technological advances in areas such as wireless, device interconnectivity, robotics, machine learning and cloud storage. The integration of these technologies into what is described as a “cyber physical system” has the potential to improve productivity, reduce costs and optimise logistics, thereby causing a revolution in global manufacturing.

Industrial Revolutions in History

The first industrial revolution took place in the 1800’s and saw the shift from manual labour and hand tools to powered, specialised machinery in purpose-built factories.

In the early 20th century, the second industrial revolution occurred. Mass production and the introduction of the production line further enhanced productivity and reduced costs as uniformed products were rolled out. Henry Ford is often credited with many of the advancements in mass production made during the second industrial revolution.

Often referred to as the “digital revolution” the third industrial revolution developed as the use of computers in manufacturing grew. Automation and computer controlled machinery again sped up productivity and accuracy as the need for manual human data input decreased.

The Internet of Things

The origins of industry 4.0 can be found in the development of consumer products such as smart phones, lighting, wearable biometric devices and cloud sharing. The term “internet of things” is used to describe the way in which multiple electronic devices can collect and share data without any human input, adapting their functions independently as conditions change.

A real-life example would be leaving the house in the morning and using a smart phone app to schedule your house heating to come on at a certain temperature before you get home. Getting into the car, your smart phone connects to the sound system and selects your favourite playlist.

Your car ignition switches on as you have a proximity key in your pocket and the car seats adjust position to your personal preference. You open up google maps and select a route from its memory bank of your previous journeys. All of these technologies are available today and are advancing rapidly.

From IoT to Industry 4.0

The leap from this type of consumer level interconnectivity (internet of things) to an industrial revolution (industrial Internet of things) may seem a big one, but real-life applications of these kinds of technologies can already be found in today’s factories.

Automated robotic processing machines such as those used heavily in the automotive industry are capable of recognising parts, identifying faults and adapting their functions accordingly. While cloud based data sharing is now common practice for product design, analytics and KPI’s

Example: Open integrated factory showcase

Developed in collaboration between SAP, Festo Didactic and Elster Kromschroder, the open Integrated Factory demonstrates a “smart assembly line”. In the example, the workpiece itself is capable of telling various machines along the line how it should be processed.

The assembly line is capable of producing two completely different products with 16 variations (a remote control, or components for smart meters). As the workpiece approaches a machine it communicates using RFID (Radio-frequency identification) programmed into the workpiece. This RFID contains all the product information and work parameters for each machine, telling each one how it needs to be processed.

The line consists of Initialization station, component depot, oven, drill, assembly robot, Q-gate camera, rework station and packaging station. Combining this with a sophisticated cloud based order system and ERP allows for almost instant flexibility in order changes, variant combinations, and process modifications.

Benefits of Industry 4.0 to Manufacturing

The Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute define industry 4.0 as:

“An integrated suite of tools that work with product definition data to support tool design, manufacturing process design, visualisation, modelling and simulation, data analytics, and other analysis necessary to optimise the manufacturing process”

In practice, this means much faster open data sharing both internally and between customer and supplier, which impacts the manufacturing process in real time. Cloud based information sharing and mobile connectivity mean that data can be accessed and manipulated from any location. A constant flow of information from design, development, production and sales is created and a real-time feedback analysis loop allows complete flexibility and adaptability.

The key benefits of this easily accessible, fast flowing loop of manufacturing data lie in diagnostics, product review and adaptation as live information is interpreted and analysed in real time. Coupled with rapidly emerging manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing (3D printing) robotics, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, the manufacturing process can become more flexible than ever before.

Other significant benefits of Industry 4.0 can be found in managing logistics and indeed the entire supply chain. In the conventional supply chain model, sales and marketing forecast demand, production analyse capacity, order raw materials and produce products, distribution then anticipate the volume of products due for dispatch and inform customers of expected delivery. Often these key steps are completed in a linear fashion and can become isolated, meaning that disruption at any point causes major delays. Any breakdown in communication can then further exacerbate the issue.

Industry 4.0 brings the opportunity to create a supply chain “network” which is integrated and completely transparent to all involved; material and component suppliers, production managers, logistics managers and end customers.

A network including integrated planning and execution systems, logistics visibility, autonomous logistics, smart procurement and warehousing and advanced analytics allows for a far more responsive and efficient service. Managers are able to see and even anticipate disruptions at any stage of the process, adjusting in real time to correct issues.

Risks of Industry 4.0 to Manufacturing

The primary concern of Industry 4.0 is unsurprisingly that of cyber-security as cloud based data is so openly shared. Propriety production data is particularly sensitive and IT systems need to be robust enough to protect information.

A major risk to any manufacturing business is disruption to production and a successful Industry 4.0 “smart factory” depends heavily on machine reliability and communication meaning that system stability and maintenance become crucial.

Labour is another aspect which will inevitably be affected by the rise of Industry 4.0 smart factories as lower skilled, repetitive functions are taken on by automated machines. Some also predict that some higher skilled management roles might become redundant with complex integrated systems able to perform more cognitive non-routine tasks through pattern recognition. However, industry 4.0 will also create new jobs in the form of skilled employees with specialised technical expertise.

The Integrated processes of a smart factory would require more workers with skills associated with planning and control rather than manual activities. IT competence and troubleshooting ability also becomes more important when dealing with complex systems.

A manufacturing example in practice

Midlands based sheet metal manufacturer Alpha Manufacturing are at the beginning of the transition towards the Industry 4.0 smart factory and the early building blocks towards a completely automated factory have been put in place.

The STOPA automated storage system, which is capable of not only storing and distributing raw material to processing machines automatically but also monitoring and replenishing stock, will be the backbone of the factory. Currently the STOPA feeds raw material into a Trumpf Trulaser Fibre laser cutting machine and TruPunch 6000 punching for processing before removing and re stocking processed parts.

Long term, a phased development of the STOPA will see it run the entire length of the factory and feed all machines. Coupled to this, Alpha have begun to invest in highly automated, intuitive machines which will also eventually be fed by the STOPA. The recently installed TruBend Cell 7000 is the most advanced robotic folding machine on the market. Programmed entirely offline, it requires minimal human input as it picks its own raw material, scans for accuracy, folds the part using a robotic arm and re scans the finished article before stacking for collection.

A Day of Adrenaline for Bri-Stor Group and Customers

The Bri-Stor Group this week visited the world-renowned Palmer Sports Bedford Auto drome site for a day of high speed thrills.

Joined by a selection of customers from both Alpha Manufacturing and sister company Bri-Stor Systems, organisers split the group into two teams who competed throughout the day.

From 390cc Sodi GT5 karts to off road Land Rovers; from 500 bhp BMW M4 GTP’s, all the way up to single seater Formula 3000 race cars, the two teams completed a range of challenges against the clock.

Palmer Caterham

Unpredictable weather conditions at the Bedford facility saw business matters put aside and focus firmly placed on winning points on the track. As the rain came in, driving skills were put to the test and more than few competitors found themselves facing the wrong way.

The group worked their way up through six performance car events accompanied by highly trained instructors who pushed each persons’ driving skills to the limit. The final event of the day saw every competitor let loose on the track alone in the single seater race car for the ultimate driving experience.

An awards presentation completed the day and a good mix of drivers came away with an award. Thoroughly enjoyed by all, the day was sure to be one that won’t soon be forgotten.

Apprentices Sky High for Help for Heroes

Apprentice winners

The young engineers won the flight after taking part in the Bri-Stor Group “Elite Champion of Champions” event last year in aid of Help for Heroes. They jointly won the “Sportsperson” award for their efforts and both chose the Helicopter ride as their prize.

Group Director Martin Smith; a qualified helicopter pilot, was more than happy to treat the pair to a flight to Northampton where they were lucky enough to see a collection of WWII spitfires. They even made time for a full English each before hopping back on the chopper for the return journey.

Bri Stor Group CUBE Event

Alpha Manufacturing CUBE event

So far, participants have stacked, rolled, bounced and counted their way through various physical and mental tasks against the clock. Each competitor paid an entry fee to take part which will be added to the 2017 Help for Heroes total.

This week, our contestants took on a step challenge whereby they were each blind folded before attempting to negotiate a course against the clock – with hilarious results…

Bri-Stor Group Complete National 3 Peaks

Alpha team after 3 peaks

Having assembled at Alpha headquarters in Hixon at 5am on Saturday morning, the group headed off on a seven hour, 377-mile road journey to tackle the first of the 3 Peaks – Scotland’s Ben Nevis. Despite poor weather conditions and visibility, Ben Nevis was completed within 4.15 hours.

The second climb began shortly before 4am and by 7.30am the entire team had reached and returned from the summit. By now a few minor aches and pains had started to creep in but fortunately the weather had begun to pick up ahead of the final climb – Mount Snowdon.

Another four-hour drive into Wales allowed for some much-needed rest before the team set off at the base of Snowden at around 11am. By 4.20pm on Sunday, the team had returned to the bus and were on the road headed back to Staffordshire.

With a final time of 23.5 hours and another £1000 added to the Help for Heroes donation pot, the team arrived home very tired but very proud of the achievement. Well done all!

Bri-Stor Group Take a Leap for Help for Heroes

Alpha Manufacturing team skydiving

Arriving at 8.30 am and with nerves frayed, the group were given a safety briefing from skydive instructors before donning their equipment and waiting their turn. One by one each member was flown 2 miles above the airfield before shuffling over to the open door and taking the freefall at speeds of up to 120 mph.

Despite the nerves on the day, every member of the group was able to overcome their fears and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Moreover, having gained sponsorship from friends and family in the run up to the event, the group managed to a raise a combined total of around £4,000 for Help for Heroes.

Next up on our Help for Heroes event calendar is the National 3 Peaks on the 15th & 16th July with a group of 14 aiming to conquer the 24 hour challenge.

Bri-Stor Group on Target for Help for Heroes

The Alpha Manufacturing team

The skill set of the group ranged wildly from complete amateurs to seasoned to shooters and the scores on the day reflected this. Although some of the group seemed naturals having never held a gun but still posting respectable scores. All in all, a good day was had by all who took part and another sum of donations was raised towards our 2017 total for Help for Heroes.

A huge thanks to organisers Paul Lasance and Darren Painter from Royal Oak Sporting Gun Club who hosted the event and kindly provided all the equipment. BASC Accredited Shotgun coach Simon Pritchard was also on hand to help guide the group at various points.

Our next event in support of Help for Heroes will be an endurance Go Karting day in which Bri-Stor Group employees will be split into teams and compete in an endurance race. Soon after, 6 more employees will be heading off to Nottingham Airfield for a group skydive and the very next weekend 14 more will undertake the National 3 Peaks Challenge.

If you would like to support any of our 2017 fundraising activities please visit our Just giving page by clicking the link below.

The History of Sheet Metal Fabrication

Iron working and the beginning of metal

The introduction of ironworking to Greece in the late 10th century BC started the Iron Age in Europe. The Ancient Greeks produced basic armour and weaponry by hammering iron ore however the Roman Empire increased mining for iron and began to create spoons, saucepans, door fittings and a number of other items that still make use of sheet metal today.

Whilst iron production advanced under the Greeks and Romans it was India where steel production began in small quantities. This production was seen as a highly-skilled art and very labour intensive – so much so that steel was highly prized for a number of centuries, in particular Damascus steel swords were seen as the best available as they were tough and could be sharpened to a fine but resilient edge. Unfortunately, the skill of creating Damascus Steel was lost and, even with modern technology and manufacturing techniques, modern attempts to recreate it have failed.

If we skip forward a little bit to the medieval period we see the production of cast iron in Europe – it had been produced in China since the 5th century BC but production was low. During the medieval era production techniques were refined and saw the production of wrought iron in large amounts using water-powered bellows. Towards the end of the medieval era and into the Renaissance period the theories that have influenced modern sheet metal production began to take hold, namely the rolling mill.

Da Vinci and the cold rolling mill

Leonardo da Vinci produced designs and sketches for a rolling mill but there is no evidence that it was ever actually built. The concept was used in the early 16th century as a way of smoothing metal to a uniform depth but it is only in the 17th century that we have evidence of a rolling mill being used to produce thinner sheet metal than could be produced with hammers. There is written evidence in that late 17th century of sheet metal produced in a manner we would recognise today, namely a cold bar being rolled and formed into thin sheets.

The Industrial Revolution: a turning point for metal history

In the 18th century we get to the heart of modern sheet metal fabrication with the industrial revolution. Abraham Darby first began producing cast iron using coke for the smelting process and met his goal to produce thin, durable and inexpensive cast iron. This new technique kick-started major cast-iron production in Europe and was a key factor in the advent of the industrial revolution.

In particular, the industrial revolution is when the production of steel began to take over. Henry Bessemer developed a pioneering technique that allowed steel to be easily mass produced at a low cost. Bessemer steel was used widely during the industrial revolution, for everything from railway lines to ships, it was soon recognised that steel offered greater strength and durability.

During the industrial revolution, the production of sheet metal became self-fulfilling – as machinery and engineering took off it was crucial that metal could be formed, cut and joined easily to produce steam engines for a variety of uses. Steam engines were then used to fabricate ever larger and ever thinner sheet metal and the cycle continued.

Low-cost sheet metal fabrication

Following the industrial revolution sheet metal was easily produced at low cost. Different varieties of sheet metal began to be produced, with different levels of carbon, different alloys and different additions to the final sheet metal. All of this created a surge in the use of sheet metal that we continue to see today.

With this wealth of different metals at low cost the sheet metal industry began to see new ways of metalworking. Whilst the basics like punching and forming have been refined over time to offer incredible accuracy and quality we have also seen modern advancements like laser-cutting and rapid proto-typing.

Modern metalworking techniques

Now we’re up to the modern day and the future of sheet metal fabrication continues to evolve from its humble beginnings, contributing a vast amount to our everyday lives. New techniques are being developed and tools are evolving to improve accuracy, precision and quality.

What is Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication?

Significantly, precision sheet metal fabrication describes any type of metal that be stretched out and manipulated into a metal sheet and then assembled into a product.

But What are the Processes Involved in Accurate Metal Sheet Manufacturing at a Sub-Contract Sheet Metal Fabricator?

The Design Process

First, the client will work closely with the contractor’s design team and will outline the sheet metal project in detail. Together, they will discuss the specification and desired quality of the product.

The Developmental Stage

The sheet metal products are developed in a 3D environment where the client can see their designs coming to life – this stage of the project is exciting as the client is able to view the designs as a digitised, provisional perception of the final product.

The Prototype

Next, using the 3D designs in the developmental stage, a one-off prototype is created using stainless steel, sheet metal or non-ferrous metal. This is important because it is the first time the client’s thoughts become a tangible reality.

What Methods are Used to Create the Prototype and the Final Sheet Metal Product?

A Top Tip When Deciding Which Metal Fabricator to Use:

Sheet metal fabrication works alongside the technology industry – an ever-expanding vortex of knowledge. Any good metal fabricating company will keep up with the latest trends and the best will be willing to continually invest in new technology to ensure that they are innovating and subsequently the best in their field. After all, it is the equipment that defines the product quality and finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if you already have a sheet metal design and just want it developing?

Not a problem. The developmental technology is so advanced that it can take 3D model designs from many formats and if needs be, make minor redesign changes in order to create a seamless synergy between the design and development phase.

This seems like a long process. How can I get a prototype quickly? I need to get it signed off soon.

It is important that your chosen sheet metal manufacturer is available to complete all of these processes on site. If they are having to out-source any of the phases the process will inevitably take longer. Luckily, at Alpha Manufacturing our integrated service allows us to manage your project from start to finish with an unparalleled turn-around. This ensures we turn your designs into reality quickly.